"Toda la historia de la sociedad humana, hasta el día, es una historia de lucha de clases." En los tiempos históricos nos encontramos a la sociedad dividida casi por doquier en una serie de estamentos, dentro de cada uno de los cuales reina, a su vez, una nueva jerarquía social de grados y posiciones. En la Roma antigua son los patricios, los équites, los plebeyos, los esclavos...."
This is a clip of AC/DC playing live from the 1970's "Midnight Special" - Wolfman Jack's network live concert program. This particular episode was hosted by Ted Nugent, and the band is introduced for the first time to an American TV audience by Ted Nugent and Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. Bon Scott is AC/DC's lead singer at this time and puts in an incredible performance along with lead guitarist Angus Young. This is a classic rock and roll performance by on of the greatest hevey metal rock groups of all time.
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